Indicators of Safety Culture within an organization include;
- Housekeeping.
- The presence of warning notices throughout the premises.
- The earing of PPE.
- Quality of risk assessments.
- Good or bad staff relationships
- Accident / ill-health statistics.
- Statements made by employees, e.g. "My manager does not care" ( negative culture)
Some of these indicators will be easily noticed by a visitor and help to create an initial impression of the company.
Safety Climate Assessment Tools
The Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) has published a safety climate tool that uses eight key factors mapped around 40 statements on which respondents are asked to express their attitude:
- Organizational commitment.
- Health and safety behaviors.
- Health and safety trust.
- Usability of procedures.
- Engagement in health and safety.
- Peer group attitude.
- Resources for health and safety.
- Accidents and near-miss reporting.
The kit is available in a software format and will analyze and present the results as charts that can be easily communicated to the workforce.
Factors Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture / Climate
- Management commitment and Leadership
- High Business Profile to Health and Safety
- Provision of information
- Involvement and Consultation
- Training
- Promotion of Ownership
- Setting and Meeting Targets
Factors Promoting a Negative Health and Safety Culture / Climate
- Organizational change
- Lack of Confidence in Organization's Objectives and Methods
- Uncertainty
- Management Decisions that Prejudice Mutual Trust or Lead to Confusion REgarding Commitment
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